Crown of the Victor

A Unique Relic for champions triumphant

Bearer has +3 power if they've ever killed a minion.

Elvira Shakirova



Q: What counts as "killing?"

Determine credit for a "kill" every time all units are at rest, in priority order (highest first): 1) Did the killer strike, causing the minion to die? 2) Did the killer cast a spell, causing the minion to die, including effects that forcefully move the minion to an inhospitable location? 3) Did the killer use an ability, including abilities granted by artifacts, causing the minion to die? Note that the killer must be a unit, but multiple units can share credit for a kill, if they both share the same priority. For example, Grapple Shot will only give credit to the ally who strikes, not the spellcaster, since priority 1 is higher. If two units defend against a single attack, both defenders could get credit for the kill.