Far East Assassin
An Elite Mortal with exacting aim
Stealth Tap → Far East Assassin throws an artifact he carries at target adjacent unit. It takes damage equal to the artifact's mana cost.
Elvira Shakirova

Q: When you use the ability, what happens to the “thrown” artifact?
It is no longer carried by the Assassin, and is uncontrolled in the target’s location. Any unit may pick it up normally (including the Assassin, if it happens to be in that location).
Q: Does the Assassin lose Stealth if it uses its ability?
Yes. It’s an activated special ability, so Stealth is lost per the normal Stealth rules.
Q: When you use the ability, what happens to the “thrown” artifact?
It is no longer carried by the Assassin, and is uncontrolled in the target’s location. Any unit may pick it up normally (including the Assassin, if it happens to be in that location).
Q: Does the Assassin lose Stealth if it uses its ability?
Yes. It’s an activated special ability, so Stealth is lost per the normal Stealth rules.