Free City

An Exceptional Site kneels before none

Once per turn, may attack or defend against enemy units here.

Ian Miller



Q: What can it attack?

The key word is “here.” Clearly burrowed units are “here.” Airborne and Stealthed units are also “here.” But, to attack Airborne or Stealth, a unit needs some special ability (e.g. Airborne, Ranged, etc.) Since Free City doesn’t have those abilities, it can’t actually target Airborne or Stealthed units with an attack.

Q: How does the attack work?

Since the ability to attack is granted by a card effect and not a basic ability, no tapping is needed, but it’s still an attack. Therefore, players may declare defenders for the attack normally.

Q: How do the strikes work?

Normally, only units can strike, and they can only strike other units. Card text allows the Free City site to strike as if it were a unit with 3 power. Furthermore, the unit that Free City is fighting can’t actually strike Free City! Units can only strike other units, and Free City is not a unit. Therefore, the unit that Free City is fighting does not strike Free City at all. (If a non-site unit is in the fight, that unit could be struck.)

Q: Can Free City die?

It’s striking as if it were a unit, but it’s still a site. Therefore, it can’t take damage, and won’t die due to damage. It can still be destroyed by a specific destruction effect (e.g. Sinkhole), but it won't die due to combat.

Q: When can it attack?

Free City’s ability is a passive ability that gives it the option to attack and defend “normally” once per turn, as if it were a 3 power unit (while actually remaining a site). Therefore, it can only attack on your turn, and defend (presumably on your opponent’s turn) when a unit or Free City itself is attacked by an enemy unit occupying Free City. If Free City would somehow have the chance to both attack AND defend on your turn, it can only do one.

Q: Can Free City attack the turn it enters play?

Yes, because only minions are subject to summoning sickness.

Q: If a large unit occupies Free City while it attacks a different site, can Free City defend against that attack?

No, since the attack is not happening on Free City.