Giant Shark
An Exceptional Beast smells blood in the water
Submerge, Waterbound Whenever another unit enters or moves between sites in this body of water, Giant Shark moves to that unit to fight it.
Alan Pollack

Q: Will it fight your own units?
Q: Does “enters” include minions that are summoned?
Q: If a unit moves within the same site (e.g. surface to underwater, or underwater to surface), does Shark trigger?
No, since the unit is not entering or moving between different sites.
Q: Will it fight units that are Airborne or Stealthed?
Yes. This isn't an attack (which has targeting restrictions), but actually a fight (which simply specifies who fights based on card text).
Q: What happens if I summon my minion with Genesis into my opponent's Shark's body of water?
When handling multiple simultaneous events, the non-active player resolves all their effects first (e.g. Shark ability), then the active player resolves all their effects (e.g. genesis). So the Shark's ability resolves first, likely killing my minion before the genesis resolves. (If I controlled both the summoned minion and the Shark, I would be able to choose the order each effect goes on the Storyline.)
Q: What path can the Shark take?
The controller of the Shark specifies a path for the Shark that is the fewest possible steps to the other unit. If there are multiple equally short paths, the controller chooses.
Q: Can the Shark's path include movement from surface to underwater, or underwater to surface, if needed?
Yes, as long as the path specified is the fewest steps possible to the target.
Q: If a Shark moves through a Silence aura, what happens?
The movement and fight still occur. The specific resolution is: Unit enters the water site, Shark's ability triggers. You specify the movement steps to reach the target, and they all go on the Storyline. Shark starts moving. It enters the Silence aura, but the effects of the ability are still on the Storyline and aren't removed, so they continue resolving normally.
Q: Will it fight your own units?
Q: Does “enters” include minions that are summoned?
Q: If a unit moves within the same site (e.g. surface to underwater, or underwater to surface), does Shark trigger?
No, since the unit is not entering or moving between different sites.
Q: Will it fight units that are Airborne or Stealthed?
Yes. This isn't an attack (which has targeting restrictions), but actually a fight (which simply specifies who fights based on card text).
Q: What happens if I summon my minion with Genesis into my opponent's Shark's body of water?
When handling multiple simultaneous events, the non-active player resolves all their effects first (e.g. Shark ability), then the active player resolves all their effects (e.g. genesis). So the Shark's ability resolves first, likely killing my minion before the genesis resolves. (If I controlled both the summoned minion and the Shark, I would be able to choose the order each effect goes on the Storyline.)
Q: What path can the Shark take?
The controller of the Shark specifies a path for the Shark that is the fewest possible steps to the other unit. If there are multiple equally short paths, the controller chooses.
Q: Can the Shark's path include movement from surface to underwater, or underwater to surface, if needed?
Yes, as long as the path specified is the fewest steps possible to the target.
Q: If a Shark moves through a Silence aura, what happens?
The movement and fight still occur. The specific resolution is: Unit enters the water site, Shark's ability triggers. You specify the movement steps to reach the target, and they all go on the Storyline. Shark starts moving. It enters the Silence aura, but the effects of the ability are still on the Storyline and aren't removed, so they continue resolving normally.