Grapple Shot

Ordinary Magic of acrobatic assault

An ally shoots a projectile. If it hits a unit, the ally is dragged to that location, and may strike the hit unit when it arrives.

Alan Pollack



Q: The alpha and beta text is different, which should I use?

The Beta text is correct.

Q: Can a disabled unit Grapple Shot?

No, since it would be shooting a projectile, and disabled units can't do that.

Q: If I Grapple Shot a minion with Submerge through an area affected by Mariner's Curse, what happens?

When the Grapple Shot projectile hits the unit, the game adds specific movement steps for the ally to the Storyline: Move A (surface) -> B (surface), Move B (surface) -> C (surface). Then, we start resolving those steps. If Mariner's Curse is on site B, once the unit being dragged reaches site B, it will be submerged, and live. Then the game tries to resolve Move B (surface) -> C (surface), which fails, since the unit isn't on the surface of site B anymore. Thus, there's no strike from Grapple Shot since it didn't reach the hit unit's location.

Q: Do I resolve all the steps at once, or can effects (e.g. Bottomless Pit) interrupt the movement?

Resolve one step at a time, and then the strike, with interrupts as needed. e.g Bottomless Pit would kill a non-Airborne minion using Grapple Shot, and Gnome Hollows would stop the movement of a unit with 3 or more power.

Q: If the most direct path is blocked (Gnome Hollows, Wall of Ice) will the grappling unit move around those obstacles to reach its target?

No. "Dragged" is equivalent to "Pull," and "Pull" requires each location entered to be closer to the destination. Making any detours wouldn't be getting closer to the Avatar, so the unit cannot take that path.