Great Wall

A Unique Site of colossal obstruction

Enemy units can’t move through this site’s top border on the ground.

Elwira Pawlikowska



Q: The alpha and beta text is different, which should I use?

The beta text is correct.

Q: Does this stop all kinds of movement through the top border (e.g. Grapple Shot), or just the Move and Attack basic ability?

The Great Wall will stop most kinds of movement on the surface, with a few notable exceptions. Teleportation doesn't cross borders, and if a unit "moves as if adjacent" (e.g. Waypoint Portal), that also doesn't cross borders. Finally airborne units can fly over the wall as they are not moving "on the ground."

Q: Which is the "top border?"

The long edge farthest from the controller.

Q: The foil and non-foil beta cards have different text. Which is correct?

The non-foil beta text is correct. You may use a foil beta Great Wall in tournament play (or the alpha version), but it must be played with the non-foil beta text; ensure your opponent knows the proper text when it's played.