Magellan Globe

An Elite Relic for the intrepid traveler

Opposite edges of the realm are connected.

Elwira Pawlikowska



Q: Can Airborne units in one corner of the realm fly directly to the opposite corner if Magellan Globe is in the realm?


Q: Will effects that check "adjacent" or "nearby" (e.g. Poison Nova) span edges of the realm?


Q: Can projectiles go around the edges of the realm?

Yes, as long as they don't change regions. There are exactly four regions in Sorcery: Surface, Void, Underwater, Underground.

Q: Can I play Earthquake or other similar 2x2 area effects around the edge of the realm with Magellan Globe in play?


Q: What happens if I cast a spell that does grid-based damage?

The grid can span edges of the realm as needed, since they are connected.

Q: If Magellan Globe is in play and a Large unit on the top row moves “up” one row to wrap around to the bottom, what happens?

It will occupy 2 locations on the top row and 2 locations on the bottom row. Ensure that game state is clear, using notes as needed.

Q: If Magellan Globe leaves play when a card is spanning the edge of the realm, what happens?

Units can't balance on the edge of the realm and a large unit that finds its way there falls to one side or the other. Its controller places it in the closest legal position, controller's choice if tied.

Q: If Magellan Globe is in play, can an aura or a large unit be cast on the edge of the realm, spanning the realm?

Yes. Ensure that the game state is clear, so all players know which sites the aura occupies, using notes as needed.

Q: Are there any other corner cases for Magellan Globe?

I think you mean edge cases! Let us know if you think of any more we should add. In general, apply the golden rule and have fun!