Summoning Sphere
An Exceptional Aura ushers in a dark era
You may summon minions to affected sites.
Michal Nagypál

Q: The term "summon" means "put into play." So, does that mean I can play minions here for free?
No. This effect simply provides additional locations for your minions to be summoned to.
Q: Does this allow me to summon my units burrowed even without burrowing?
No. The effect only allows you to break the restriction of choosing one of your own sites, but not the rule about summoning atop the site.
Q: The term "summon" means "put into play." So, does that mean I can play minions here for free?
No. This effect simply provides additional locations for your minions to be summoned to.
Q: Does this allow me to summon my units burrowed even without burrowing?
No. The effect only allows you to break the restriction of choosing one of your own sites, but not the rule about summoning atop the site.