Avatar (1) | |||
1Sorcerer |
Aura (1) | |||
1Crusade 2 |
Artifact (4) | |||
1Onyx Core 1 | 1Ruby Core 1 | 1Pnakotic Manuscript 2 | 1Spear of Destiny 5 |
Minion (21) | |||||||
4Cauldron Crones 3 | 1Crown Prince 3 | 3Moon Clan Werewolf 3 | 3Shield Maidens 3 | 2Squirming Mass 3 | 3House Arn Bannerman 4 | 4Scourge Zombies 4 | 1King of the Realm 7 |
Magic (18) | |||||||
2Dispel 2 | 4Firebolts 2 | 3Border Militia 3 | 2Disintegrate 3 | 1Pact with the Devil 4 | 2Earthquake 5 | 2Poison Nova 5 | 2Cone of Flame 6 |
Site (20) | |||||||
4Humble Village | 1Kingdom of Agartha | 2Oasis | 1River of Flame | 4Rustic Village | 4Simple Village | 1Standing Stones | 3Steppe |
Sideboard (10) | |||
3Gnome Hollows | 1Pillar of Zeiros | 3Dispel 2 | 3Drought 4 |
Maybeboard (13) | ||||||
1Smokestacks of Gnaak | 3Frontier Settlers 2 | 3Sirian Templar 3 | 1Gigantism 4 | 2Infiltrate 4 | 2Royal Bodyguard 4 | 1Queen of Midland 5 |
44 Spellbook / 20 Atlas / 10 Sideboard
61% cost
66% resource
33% cost
25% resource
0% cost
8% resource
5% cost
0% resource
@nunciative9 months ago
I love the concept of this deck! I tried to make a similar one, but my collection doesn't include things like the squirming masses, so I think yours is more complete. I do think Disintegrate could be swapped with something like cave-in, because the fewer 2-threshold fire cards you run the better until you draw your core (1/40 chance). Cave in is also good for mass removal rather than targeted, which is where this will struggle imo. You could probably cut 1 copy of Belfry and be fine. Unless you plan to use it w/ the squirming mass, the manuscript can also possibly go. I've found you rarely get a chance to use it for things like mass-sacrificing footsoldiers, they simply don't last long enough. Overall, great concept, I'm excited to see how it plays!
@A Classy Gentleman9 months ago
Hey Nunclative thanks for the comment :) Cave in and Earthquake are good cards. I just made the decision to plug in disintegrate because it will work unconditionally. The note about fire threshold is valid. My thought process is that the minions that will cause the most issue won't come in until mid or late game, where I will typically achieve the 2 fire threshold. Belfry is a total experiment and I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up getting dumped :) So far there hasn't been an issue in finding a mortal to sacrifice or keep the prince coming back to the hand.
@JMK8 months ago
This might actually be my new favorite mortals deck. I would stuff the rest of the sideboard with Dispel because Enchantress sucks to play against and Battlemages are everywhere. I think you could also afford to cut a few villages for more fire sites. Maybe add some Ruins so you can potentially hard-cast werewolf if you need to.
@A Classy Gentleman8 months ago
Hey thanks @JMK. You're right about the sideboard. I wouldn't take away any villages. No issues with fire threshold so far. No issues with finding bodied for werewolf to explode out of.
@WellingtonOC8 months ago
Is it work use Elementalist or Seer to guarantee the fire threshold?
@A Classy Gentleman8 months ago
Hey wellington thanks for the like. No it's not worth it. The card draw from sorcerer is better for this deck.
@Trench8 months ago
I'm going to try this deck I have all the cards and really enjoy the theme, Thanks for sharing it.
@A Classy Gentleman8 months ago
Right on. Hope you have some fun with it 👊
@amrod5 months ago
How you handle against root spiders?
@A Classy Gentleman5 months ago
The deck goes so wife it would take multiple spiders to be an issue. That said the native answers are river of Flame, Agartha, and spear. If you're always up against them and it's an issue I would swap in more answers with maiden, dispel, 1 removal card max, or manuscript. You can also swap a mudflow in over the Stones or maybe one village.
@A Classy Gentleman5 months ago
Wide not wife. Phone.....
@ItsSnowing3 months ago
I've been simulating some games with this today, and wanted to ask, generally what is your approach to the first turns in drawing sites versus spells, and by what turn are you typically going on the offensive? Could be a too-small sample size, but I'm having many times so far where I'm drawing opening hands of 2-3 villages, no fire threshold sites, and no cards to leverage the soldiers. In those scenarios I'm unsure whether to keep my board small and draw aggressively for spells or fire sites. If I don't have a Ruby Core, do you think subbing out a couple Villages for Mirages could make sense?