


Last updated 9 days ago

Avatar (1)
Aura (1)
1Entangle Terrain
Artifact (1)
1Angel's Egg
Minion (24)
3Land Surveyor
2Vile Imp
3Autumn Unicorn
3Quarrelsome Kobolds
2Root Spider
4Petrosian Cavalry
1Royal Bodyguard
2Sand Worm
3Amazon Warriors
1Atlas Wanderers
Magic (14)
3Common Sense
1Scorched Earth
Site (20)
1Arid Desert
1Gnome Hollows
1Mirror Realm
1Pillar of Zeiros
1Red Desert
1River of Flame
1Roots of Yggdrasil
1Smokestacks of Gnaak
Sideboard (2)
1Courtesan Thaïs
40 Spellbook / 20 Atlas / 2 Sideboard

67% cost

50% resource

32% cost

44% resource

0% cost

5% resource

0% cost

0% resource
@ScourgeAlters15 days ago
Huge congregants on the win, CJ!
@DREW15 days ago
Congratulations CJ!
@Ceej15 days ago
Thank you so much guys! I made a few edits before the cup (in defklis rag 2.0) but I'll update this one and drop a primer in a few days!
@TacoCat13 days ago
Great win CJ! I Sam the video of your match, and it was a great game.
@TacoCat13 days ago
Also, why the Surveyors? Are they just so you can speedrun Roots?
@Ceej13 days ago
Hey you did amazing in the tournament! Im excited to see your list as well! Surveyor's help in a few ways. I don't always speedrun roots but I always want to scry atlas. So if I play crossroads and follow up with surveyor I can get the site I want off the top and continue scrying away what I don't want next turn. They also help fill my hand with sites for after roots so I can take a spell even while playing out sites. Also they are good chump blockers against aggressive decks to buy me more time for my combo
@TacoCat13 days ago
Thanks! For after Roots, would you want to think about Pudge? I feel like pudge is great because it allows for you to play something else potentially, and it also cannot be hit with something like Poison Nova.
@TacoCat13 days ago
My list is on discord, by the way.
@Ceej13 days ago
I actually tested pudge but with all the rubble the opposing avatar can walk out of the way. Yes it's good bc it means they can't play a land but it's 2 threshold, it's not fetchable, and it's less reliable for pushing damage than Amazon's. I think it's something you could flex into the deck but I found it less effective
@Ceej12 days ago
Btw the list as of 6/19 is the one I used for S4 of the league not the Courtesan cup. I'll update it tonight and add the primer! The new list has like 4 card changes
@TacoCat12 days ago
Thanks! That explains a lot.
@Ceej12 days ago
Ok updated the list and wrote up the primer
@Thagaste12 days ago
Great list and congratulations for the win Ceej ! What are your thoughts about Philo Stone in the deck ? Is a single Angel's Egg really useful and lifegain relevant ?
@TacoCat12 days ago
Why only 1 Scorched Earth? I feel that it can be really powerful, like what happen in S4 finals with Kevin. If that had been a bedrock that would have been amazing.
@2Fluent11 days ago
Congrats CJ at the Courtesan Cup of 2024! Great deck. And great job piloting it.
@Ceej11 days ago
I initially had pstone and/or cores in the deck but I'm not trying to ramp to a certain mana I just want the combo so they didn't feel necessary. And they aren't good draws late game when I'm just trying to close the game out. Also I rarely double spell so pstone never felt good. Angels egg is only sometimes useful but it steals games against aggro so I like having one. Bc I'm playing seer I like a lot of 1 ofs bc I find them somewhat consistently and can bottom them when they aren't relevant. As to scorched earth, it's an amazing card but in 9/10 games I don't use it. If everything goes right I sinkholes roots to blow up the board so I don't need the removal and then I'd rather have a body to push damage. When things go wrong it's helpful to have to hit my own bedrocks and wipe some minions or aura but usually 1 is enough. After roots I never really want it I just want more minions for damage
@Ceej11 days ago
And thanks 2fluent!
@Ira10 days ago
Cool deck, and thanks for sharing all your insights! If you knew your opponent was going to use this deck, what deck would you play to maximize your win percentage, with the caveat that you can’t run roots?
@Ira10 days ago
If it’s the case that this deck is winning the rock-paper-scissors against most decks except Geomancer roots, then I’m worried roots will be showing up everywhere. My sense is that it’s also not particularly fun to lose against this deck, since the opponent often doesn’t get to play their game. With my tournament organizer hat on, I want to ensure all players have as much fun as possible, ideally even while losing!
@Ceej10 days ago
I think this deck beats a lot of the S4 league meta which is why I ran it for the cup! I do think that with roots popularity the meta will likely shift. Im building some counters now that are untested but if I wanted to grab a list I might grab Bloom (Mike's) mono earth midrange sorcerer and perhaps add mix tera (both for post roots and for the T2 pudge)
@Potato Knight10 days ago
Rangarok also loses a fair amount. CJ went 4-2 d1 of the CCup and that is with no one really knowing about the deck as he didn’t get to showcase what it did in the online League and him practicing the decklist for months versus all kind of decks. I know what decks I’d run if I’d like an equal chance or better to beating CJs deck, but the question is do you want to make a deck that beats CJs deck or one that has a good shot at beating most? (Side note there is another combo that is not fun to play against that I hope doesn’t get picked up. It is Anti-fun lol)
@WaffleQuiz8 days ago
Great job at the Cup! Congrats!